Beric Walker

Mercenary | Lost Soul | Chaos


Height: 5'11"
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Build: Athletic
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Straight
Profession: Mercenary for hire | Arch Fae of Chaos
Interests: Strength, Justice/Vengeance, Tea, Alcohol, Weapons.

Beric considers himself a lost soul. Originating from the Garlean Empire, he led a militaristic life as a soldier in the VIIth Legion. Throughout his service, Beric experienced numerous battles, which left lasting scars on both his body and mind. Despite his many years in the military, he never aspired to become an officer, preferring to stay close to the front lines. His disdain for the Empire's officers stemmed from their brutal tactics against their enemies, which, although bringing peace to the rest of the Garlean Empire and its citizens, left him disillusioned.

Having served in the Imperial military, Beric remained on the front lines, even during the Garlean Empire's invasion of Eorzea, despite harboring doubts and questioning the Empire's morality. In recent years, he participated in the Battle of Carteneau, fighting against the Eorzean alliance formed to resist the Empire's invasion. However, when the Empire summoned Bahamut during the battle, unleashing chaos and devastation on both friend and foe, Beric realized he could no longer serve the Garlean Empire or its power-hungry officers.

In the aftermath of the battle, Beric seized the opportunity to escape, causing his name to be listed among the fallen. In the years that followed, he used his skills as a swordsman to survive as a mercenary, moving from one job to the next in the unfamiliar land. Often, he took on tasks that involved punishing those who sought to harm the innocent and weak, perhaps as a way to atone for the wrongs he committed during his time in the Garlean Empire.

Until recently, Beric was a typical male Hyur, working in the shadows of Eorzea as a mercenary. One fateful night, he awoke in a dark, unfamiliar plane of existence, where the air was thick with corruption, making it difficult to breathe. Soon, he found himself hunted by a dark creature, suffering fatal injuries from its attacks. In this hopeless situation, with no help in sight, a dark figure approached him just before he died and offered him a choice: die alone in this dark world or take up his mantle. Seeing no other option, Beric accepted the deal, merging with the unknown creature's powers and aether.

Beric felt empowered, a dark energy flowing through him as he realized who he had merged with. A powerful being responsible for controlling the chaos and conflict that had plagued Eorzea for years using the power of Dynamis. He had become the Arch Fae of Chaos, now tasked with using his powers to ensure balance in the material plane, lest mortals face the threat of complete annihilation.

Arch-Fae of Chaos

Powers: Chaos Magic, Illusions, Shadowmancy, Fae Magic
After becoming the Arch-Fae of Chaos, Beric found himself trapped in the unknown realm for 30 years. During this time, he learned to control his newfound abilities and master the Realm of Chaos. He spent these decades honing his skills in chaos magic to suit his goals and discovered how to siphon the negative emotions of others, transforming them into Dynamis to power his magic. Eventually, Beric figured out how to escape the realm and open a portal back to Eorzea, ready to use his dark powers to maintain balance in the material plane.

As Beric grew more accustomed to his role as the Arch-Fae of Chaos, he became resolute in his ambition to maintain balance in the material plane. Although he would likely forever be remembered as a villain or a monster, his focus remained steadfast on this goal. Despite this, parts of his mortal self persisted, allowing him to make friends and live his life alongside his Arch-Fae responsibilities. This duality gave him the unique opportunity to connect with others and find moments of humanity amidst his daunting role.

While Beric is only one aspect of the material plane, he is aware of the other Fae and Arch-Fae within the hierarchy and understands how they operate as a whole. The 30 years of training were overwhelming, but during this time he discovered the true legacy that only Arch-Fae and their children can leave behind. For a long time Beric felt truly alone, but upon his return, he found that many of the friends he had made as a mortal still remained. He realized that while 30 years had passed for him, only a few days had passed in Eorzea. The timeline in the Realm of the Unseen is nonlinear, behaving like a roller coaster where time does not flow naturally as it does elsewhere. Beric uses this to his advantage, allowing him to visit his Realm of Chaos and maintain his social life in Eorzea. Besides, continuing to work as a mercenary provides excellent training for the Arch-Fae of Chaos.


There are a variety of ways to get to know Beric or even start out an interaction with him.Mercenary
This one being the most obvious one. As a mercenary Beric is always looking for a job that'll keep him fed and able to sleep underneath a roof. He has experience performing a variety of jobs that have been asked of him as well. Have a job? Beric's your man.

Beric's aether may feel corrupted and dark due to his nature. This may feel either unsettling or normal to most that reside in Eorzea. Perhaps it may lead to new friends or foe as a result.

Garlean Backstory
With Beric's experience in the Garlean Empire it is no surprise that others that are from there or have done work for the Garlean's may somewhat recognize him. Though be warned as the lost soul is not so open about his past as one may think.

No hooks listed that'd suit your character? Feel free to DM me on discord for some ideas @Omega3339#1431.


About the man behind the character.
I typically do not write things about my personal life so openly so if you do not find a lot of info here that's kind of the intent. Hehe

I have a lot of experience roleplaying. I've been doing RP on a few games when I find the time to and have enjoyed it right from the start. I've always loved partaking in thrilling stories involving action, romance, violence, and even drama. I've made quite a few characters in various MMOs throughout the years and hope to continue to do so in the future as well.

A variety of games that I have RPed on is an old game called Champions Online that not a lot of people may be familiar with, but its RP community very similar to FF14. More recently I've come to partake in SWTOR RP as well as the game itself though the RP community has been fairly laxing in my taste. What brought me to FF14 RP was the friends that I have made in other communities. They have told me a lot about how the setting was and how much they enjoyed taking part in various stories I decided to give it a try on my side too and bring Beric into the world of Final Fantasy RP.

I spend my free time in FF14 whenever I am not busy at work or with my personal life. As such I do have a discord account that people are welcome to message me should they wish to chat, RP, or set up a time/place to RP in game as well. I'm very open to most forms of RP including:

Casual/Slice of Life
Story Driven
Long or Short term RP
Mature/Dark Themes
Character Development

Walkups and Tells are also okay in regards to RP, I eagerly await what FF14's community has in store for me and hope that I find a place for myself and my characters here.